E72 & Me

Random pics with Random subjects for Random people from Me through Nokia E72

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Its the most famous snack in Jeddah basically boiled chickpeas served with spices , in the background the mobile stall on which its sold 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Night Life Jeddah

Its not a Club, Bar or a Concert............its a shopping mall and yes thats the night life in Jeddah

Monday, November 29, 2010

Human like pigeons

Some pilgrims in Makkah have displaced pigeons, to collect some wheat grains with husk/chaff. Collector has to keep these grains with him/her til his/her wish is fulfilled and upon fulfillment he/she has to feed these grains back to the pigeons.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mina Station 1

Perfect lights and a very decent picture taken by my e72 camera. This is Mina station1 operational during Hajj.